Simonyi Károly Award

„Simonyi Károly Award” as recognition activities in the field of fusion energy research

The Simonyi Károly Memorial Plaque award was founded in February 2007 by the Hungarian Nuclear Society (Magyar Nukleáris Társaság - MNT), based on the proposal of the Fusion Professional Group. The intention of this award is the appropriate recognition of Hungarian researchers and engineers with outstanding achievements on the field of fusion plasma physics and technology. The award is named after Károly Simonyi, the noted professor of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The famous engineer created the first Hungarian particle accelerator and headed the Atomic Physics Department of Central Research Institute of Physics for years. He wrote the first Hungarian university textbook on fusion plasma physics for engineering students. Nominations as well as applications of young researchers and engineers below 35 are accepted for the award in every even year. In odd years no age limit is due.

List of recipients

2007- Miklós Porkoláb

2008 - Attila Bencze

2009 - Sándor Zoletnik

2010 - Tamás Szepesi

2011 - Tünde Fülöp

2012 - Dániel Dunai

2013 - Gábor Kocsis

2014 - István Pusztai

2015 - István Cziegler

2016 - Gergely Papp

2017 - Gergő Pokol