This year the organization has been participated int he following events, made possible by the support of the Hungarian Nuclear Society:
We participated in two Core Committee Meetings of the European Nuclear Society – Young Generation Network: in Leuven (Belgium) and Manchester (UK). The third one this year will be in Brno (Czech Republic)
We made several appearances in different events:
- The Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management has invited us to appear in Kalocsa
- At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics we participated in “Fizika mindenkié 3.0” (Physics for Everybody 3.0), which is an event held for secondary school students
- We gave a presentation about the organization and played a little competitive quiz game at the “Nukleáris szaktábor”, which was held in Keszthely for secondary school students
- During the summer, the organization has appeared in summer festivals, such as Volt, EFOTT, Campus, Gastroblues, Sziget and Strand. In these events the members of the organization gave information about the nuclear energy, by filling different type of quizzes in paper, playing board games and showing 3D printed models of a nuclear reactor.
- We gave a presentation about nuclear energy in Óbudai Secondary School (Budapest)
Also, same as the previous years, we will participate in Kutatók éjszakája and in the Open day of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In Pécs we will participate in an event organized by the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.