Introduction of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR – Dubna)
at 13.00 on 20 March 2018
Venue: Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority, 1036 Budapest, Pacsirtamező u. 17.
A programra kérem itt regisztráljon!
A rendezvény hivatalos nyelve: angol
13:00 Gyula Fichtinger (Director-General, Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority): Opening
13:10 Dmitry Kamanin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research): Joint Institute for Nuclear Research – platform for international cooperation in science and technology
13:40 Miklós Ördögh (President, Hungarian Nuclear Society): Roles and Activities of the Hungarian Nuclear Society
14:00 Dénes Lajos Nagy (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences): History of the Hungary-JINR relations
14:20 Aleksandr Belushkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research): Neutron scattering at IBR-2 in Dubna: some history, present status and future perspectives
14:40 György Wolf (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Collaboration on the NICA project between JINR and MTA Wigner RCP
15:00 Géza Lévai (Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences): ATOMKI: a research institute connecting the world with the region
15:20 Coffee break
15:40 Panel discussion on the future of the Hungary-JINR relations