A WANO megújulása 2011 után

Az Atomerőmű Üzemeltetők Világszövetsége (World Association of Nuclear Operators WANO) 1989-ben alakult meg. A fukushimai balesetet követően a szervezetnek újabb kihívásokkal kellett szembenéznie. A tanulságok levonását követően a WANO úgy döntött, hogy a tagerőművek hatékonyabb támogatása és a szervezet működésének átláthatóbbá tétele érdekében megújítja a programjait.

Renewal of WANO after 2011 World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) was established in 1989, and after the Fukushima accident it met new challenges. Based on recommendations of the committee which assessed lessons learned from that, management of WANO decided to renew its programmes, to provide more effective support for members, plants, to make its activities more visible. Some of the most important directions of changes: - Extention of WANO programmes: design, emergency preparedness, severe accident management - Emergency preparedness: closer cooperation and information between members and centres - Peer reviews: more frequent and more effective evaluations, link to IAEA - Transparency: more visible activities (but retaining confidentiality policy) - Self assessment: regular review of programmes, regional centres / London Office According to the intention of WANO, implementation of the above mentioned activities, harmonization of work of regional centres, finally, more effective consideration of interest of members and higher quality of services provided to plants will result in higher nuclear safety and reliability at nuclear power plants.